Tuesday, 14 December 2010


Silence is a big issue at the moment. I spent some time being quiet last night. I find it quite limiting at least to start with. If I move atall I become fidgety, if I don't close my eyes I get distracted by looking at things if I do close my eyes there is always the danger I will drift off to sleep. For my inner motor to stop spinning takes around 20 minutes on average, sometimes it doesn't stop at all. Silence to me is like gazing up all night at a black sky. At sometime in the night a shooting star flashes acroos my vision then all becomes black again. Sometimes in silence I see the star, only for a second or two but the brightness is so intense that the after image remains in my spirit for days. Sometimes there is no star, probably the majority of times. I am convinced however that silence and stillness is a doorway into change.


  1. I shall nick this for Intercession Action, if you don't mind. Though I shall brush up the punctuation etc.
    Great analogy.
    And I agree about how long it takes, but it's so worth it.
    Keep blogging.

  2. I once spent a summer's day walking on my own in some quiet woods and towards the end of it, I tried to spend some time in absolute silence - even thoughts. After slowly stilling my head for a while I think I may have managed total silence for about ten seconds - though of course I wasn't counting. But it was surprisingly powerful. I remember feeling more alive than I had for ages and like my senses afterwards were all highly tuned - and that after a few seconds. Some friends laugh at me or accuse me 'going Buddhist' - but it was quite something, and I'll never forget it.
