Monday, 17 January 2011


I have been thinking about the power of emotions today. It strikes me that for the Christian at least, emotions have received a lot of bad press you've got to keep them under control. Surely not! what we do need to control is the actions that spring out of our emotions (easier said than done!) The emotions themselves are great, God given. look at love, I think that is generally accepted as coming within the emotional spectrum. 1 Corinthians 13, "If I speak with the tongues of men and angels....... and have not love". That bible passage gets turned into some kind of standard by which we judge ourselves; some unattainable goal that we are always going to fall miserably short of. All Paul says is that we need it. He then goes on to describe what love is like (having said that we can do really laudable stuff without it but it don't count).

I have experienced love and loving and it is a very strange feeling having it going on inside of you. That realisation that actually you want that other person to be as happy as they can be and that comes before them belonging to you. Love is not about ownership.

What about all that gut wrenching stuff when you feel like your insides have been transferred into a washing machine that is revolving at a million cycles a minute? Is that Love? dunno.

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