Thursday, 10 February 2011


My previous blog on wealth  seemed to invite comment, so at the risk of being controversial I thought I would speak about orientation. I am omitting the obvious word in case all sort of blockers come up.
My Godfather was a clergyman. Some years ago I asked him what his veiws on gays were. He said that he was amazed at the love they seem to have for one another and completlely avoided  speaking about whether it was right or wrong. The background I come from says "the bible says it's wrong so it is sinful to be that way"

That response seems pretty simplistic these days, I have known people who have said things like "just because I am a particular way through no fault of me own, why should I be denied a loving committed relationship like anyone else?" Good question. Should I say "well that's ok but you can forget about God and heaven if you go down that road?" or, "you are deluded, let me pray with you and everything will be ok and you will start fancying the other gender like you should do?" Pretty bigoted.  Can't do it.

I knew a man once who was living with his partner, but occasionally came to our meetings. Not only was he able to worship but it obviously carried life. So it's back to the drawing board for Mr. Conservative Christian flat earther. I do believe what the bible says but it is also true that certain parts of it are used by people with an axe to grind in order to reject those who are different.- "Love the sinner - hate the sin - brother".

One thing I do strongly believe is that the intimate physical side of a relationship takes on a sordid aspect if it is brought out into the open through the media and so on. That is another subject for another time.

I don't want to judge anyone, nether do I want to be a convictionless liberal. Isn't life complicated?


  1. I grew up with the Edith Blyton definition of the word gay. This means happy and innocent young people going on jolly old adventures in the summer hols. This to my mind is not sinful but it could be a grey area.

  2. Also have you previously rambled on political correctness? Who decides what is politically correct? There are so many different political views, politicians are always arguing, often war mongering. How did they ever get together all the international political views to write the rules of political correctness.
