Wednesday, 16 March 2011

answers to prayer

Wednesday evening and I am at someones house for a cell group meeting. Only two of us present have English as our first language the other six are Farsi speakers. This is pretty common for me. We sing some songs and people pray some in english, some in farsi. I feel alost as if the barrier between us is tangible; they call it the language barrier and it is an accurate description. I cannot get through to these people, they cannot get through to me.

It's pretty frustrating, I wonder if they feel the same. So I sit and I pray. Lord I want to be able to engage with these people! I don't know if desperate would describe the way I feel but at the best I am pretty fed up.

Then in that oblique way that prayers often get answered, something happens seemingly randomly. The other English speaker kind of gets hold of the wrong end of the stick and we are all at cross purposes but out of it, one Iranian guy starts to share, about how he and his wife were unable to have children then they prayed and now they have a baby. All of a sudden we are on the level, a confidence has been shared, a testimony given. As I sit here in front of the computer after getting home I thank God. He's done it again.

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