Sunday 6 February 2011


Somewhere, there are people all over the Country getting prepared to officiate at various Churches. Millions of other people who are planning to attend have not given much thought to what is going to happen. They have probably given more thought to the cltothes they are going to wear than to any influence they may have spiritually. Many people hoping that they will get God's message across; many more with no anticipation that God may want to speak to them.

Of course this is a generalisation and many others will be full on ready for a day in Church; prayed up, pumped up, supportive, expectant and punctual.

Some Sundays it is my turn to stand at the front, although noy today. I am guilty of leaning back and relaxing when it is not my turn, blissfully unaware that one Sunday, it could be today, that God will speak so powerfully that my world could be changed for ever.

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