Thursday 16 August 2012

Dentists waiting rooms

When I sit in the waiting area of my dentist there are two watercoulour pictures on the wall opposite. They are obviously by the same artist and on the face of it of the same scene. the scene is a large white house with several sections with different roof heights on top of a hill. Surrounding the house is grassland and some wooded areas. Although the pictures appear to be of the same building they are drawn from a different place. One of the things I try to do is work out by looking at one picture where the artist was located when he drew the other one. I think I have it worked out but it is not conclusive.

In life what we see depends a lot on where we are looking from. That is why two people describing the same thing sometimes differ massively in what they describe. I don't think it is possible to really climb into someone elses shoes; however, the recognition that there are other veiws than our own which can be accurate, if different from ours is one step down the road towards unity.

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